Who we are

RINO SOLUTIONS LTD are an ISO9001:2015 registered company based in the heart of North Yorkshire.

Our goal is to make the impossible, possible, delivering creative solutions to your challenges in an efficient, timely manner.

What we do

Perhaps it’s best to first explain what we don’t do…

RINO SOLUTIONS LTD are not a design consultancy, we do not work by the hour whilst promising nothing.

To ensure that our quality is never compromised by outside pressures, RINO SOLUTIONS LTD operate on a referral basis only, if you are interested in discussing your particular challenge, then ask your referrer to provide their individual referrer number and enter it into the contact form.

Once we receive your details, we will arrange a time to have a review of your challenge so that we can understand if it’s within our skill set to complete.

If we can’t do it, we will tell you, we don’t take on projects to get paid to learn.

If we take on your project, we will be totally transparent at all times. We will offer a fixed price to develop a unique solution to your problem by drawing on a knowledge-base of experts, you can be assured that your development risk is known and understood from day one.

Our Values

At RINO SOLUTIONS Ltd, our ethical values are a set of moral guiding principles that determine how our Company conducts business.

These principles seek to serve and protect others above the organization’s self-interest and are a key part of understanding how we work:


We aren’t afraid of admitting a mistake or of taking responsibility. Failure to do so, means a Company cannot learn. RINO SOLUTIONS personnel have an instilled sense of what’s right, not just for our Company but for each other.


At RINO SOLUTIONS, we do not discriminate against race, creed, colour, or orientation. We treat our people with respect and fairness in the full knowledge that this will be repeated throughout our business, ensuring a fair and supportive team who deliver results and enjoy doing so.


There is no such thing as Managers at RINO SOLUTIONS. We believe that a Team of people each have a role to play. Senior people offer support, guidance and direction to their team and no senior person will ask anything of anyone that they would not happily take on themselves.


We will never spin a position; we work on referrals only as such as choose our clients, because we think they’re challenge is something we can solve. If we can’t do it, we don’t accept the project, it’s that simple. By working on a referral only basis, this ensures our honestly is constantly checked by independent third parties, also known as our customers. If we weren’t honest, we wouldn’t get referrals which wouldn’t be a good business model.


We are totally transparent in developing a solution to your challenge. Our goal is to help you, not to make money or deliver nothing but empty promises. If we solve your problem and you’re happy, then it’s a win-win for both parties. If we don’t, then that’s our problem not yours and we will own that.

Sustainable environment

The projects we accept can cross many industries, some green some not so green.

However, we care about the environment not only for now but for our future and the future of our children and their children. To that end, RINO SOLUTIONS LTD commit to spending up-to 5% of our profits into planting trees in and around our local area.

Whilst we can’t offset the effect of greenhouse gases much, we CAN do our small part and will continue to do so as long as we are able.